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I told you I would come back when I had a PC capable of running the game x'D Honestly, I love it. It's challenging but fun. The game looks nice, and the levels are varied. You've really created a great game, especially considering it was for a one-week jam. Keep it up!


one question have you thught of making a naked woman platform 3d game?


Not really. I'm looking into different game genres I could continue making and to me it seems like making a platformer with characters with realistic proportions wouldn't really work.

ah fun

The way games like this work is that you need to try to lean back and lift the front wheel over the obstacles. Another important thing is that only the rear wheel is powered and most of the time you should try to keep your weight on the rear wheel.

Thanks a lot for sharing the video. It's great educative experience to see actual payers play your game.

well, turn out that having the exact same time as the medal doesnt count ...

Oh I'm sorry for that inconvenience. I was especially careful to make it so that the exact time would still give you the medal. I just didn't realize that this could happen.

The thing that is going on is that your time is higher than 1:00:00. It could be something like 1:00:0024865421. I'm sorry for that.

Thanks for playing so much of the game. I like to see someone struggling for the gold medals. If you enjoyed the game, you might want to know that unlocking all gold medals opens a very difficult secret level. Thanks for the feedback

yeah, i finally got the last gold medal .. and damn, that last level is quite something. for now i made it up to the front of the plane but havnt find a way to get on top of the truck yet
i noticed that the game save your last score instead of you best one.

I made sure that the last level is doable but it sure as heck isn't easy.

I don't know about the score saving thing. It really shouldn't do that. But I guess figuring out how to make a saving logic in 1 hour has some consequences :D